…select from our lovely soul treatments - then get in touch so we can find the best date and time to suit you…

  • The AromaTouch Technique® is the application of essential oils to the back and feet. This technique combines the unique benefits of human touch with the power of essential oils to create an overall wellness experience. The essential oils used in the AromaTouch Technique were chosen for their individual and combined aromatic properties.

    The AromaTouch Technique® is a 45minute treatment that can have lasting effects up to 3-4 weeks.  Please note this is not a deep tissue massage but a gentle and effective method to support your general wellness.

  • Bodytalk is a holistic therapy that utilizes non-invasive tapping techniques to help individuals achieve great body-mind well-being.

    When we choose to listen to the body the healing begins. The tapping helps to assimilate and process any trapped emotions and events we may be still storing in our systems. This is a very gentle and holistic approach to healing.

    Bodytalk helps us hear and see things we may not think are an issue anymore, and then we can move on.

    We use a combination of these skills to find the right mix to help you.

    “I am motivated by adding value to my clients, and I love to see various modalities and the gentle process of healing begin like small ripples in the ocean.”

  • Reflexology is a complementary therapy – this means that it works in conjunction with other health practices, medications or as a standalone treatment. It uses an holistic approach and focuses on the whole person and their well-being.

    It is based on the principle that all our body systems are mapped out on our feet, as well as our hands and our ears - into different reflex points as well as different zones, and by using specific finger, thumb and hand techniques we are able to stimulate the nerve endings over these areas.

    Reflexology is a relaxing, calming therapy and is known to reduce anxiety and stress in many. When our body is living in this highly uptight state it will have knock on effects in different areas of our lives – it can affect our sleep and health habits and can make those living with serious illnesses feel worse.

    The practice of reflexology dates back 5,000 years and has roots in India, Egypt, China, Native America as well as the Mayan and Inca cultures.

    The overarching goal of reflexology is to bring your body into homeostasis, this is when all your body systems are working at their optimum which will then initiate your body into its own healing patterns and abilities.

    Regular sessions can really benefit your wellbeing and keep your body working at its optimum. It is also a really beautiful way to carve out time for yourself.

  • Reiki is an energy healing technique that reduces stress and anxiety and promotes relaxation through gentle touch. Your practitioner will use their hands to deliver reiki energy to your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy as well as supporting your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

    A full reiki treatment will last 60minutes (shorter sessions also available and priced accordingly).

“Live from the inside out. Your mind, body and spirit are interconnected.

Nourish your soul with mental and physical wellness.”

- Janet Taylor Spence